2Why Freelancing First Makes Sense

Don't spend so much time trying to choose the perfect opportunity that you miss the right opportunity.

— Michael Dell

The concept of freelancers has been around for nearly 200 years, named for the free “lances” who were medieval mercenaries who would be paid to fight for a particular nation or person. These people didn't have a specific allegiance to any king or queen, but rather they traveled where the gold beckoned them. After they completed the war or battle for their payment, they were free to trudge on and find the next‐highest bidder willing to pay for their temporary loyalty.

The modern‐day freelancer is no different. And it's that very reason why you are going to grow your own freelancing brand first, before you conquer the pursuit of financial freedom.

What Is Freelancing?

A freelancer is an independent, self‐employed person who is hired out on a per‐project basis. Freelancers do not report to bosses, companies, or managers, and are responsible for supplying their own benefits. The trade‐off is simple: a freelancer can make their own schedule, business, prices, and structure, in exchange for forgoing the health insurance, retirement, and other benefits that come from working a 9‐to‐5.

We will discuss in later chapters how this trade‐off is incorrectly marketed, since freelancers can set up their own retirement accounts, buy health insurance, and benefit from tax credits and deductions that are not available to employed individuals. ...

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