Time for action – installing FreeRADIUS

Pre-build FreeRADIUS packages can be installed by using the following command on each distribution respectively:

  • CentOS
    #> yum install freeradius2 freeradius2-utils
  • SUSE
    #> zypper in freeradius-server freeradius-server-utils freeradius-server-doc
  • Ubuntu
    $> sudo apt-get install freeradius

What just happened?

We installed the pre-build FreeRADIUS packages supplied for our Linux distribution to have a basic working RADIUS server installation.


Using the pre-build FreeRADIUS package has the following advantages:

  • Resolving dependencies is automatically taken care of. This includes taking care of future security updates, keeping track of all the optional packages that were required to be installed with ...

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