4A Short Reflection on Spheres to Explore Their Conditions for Achieving Success

“Everything that the most subtle and ingenious of men can do to imitate or aid Nature, which is accustomed to be understood as Magic, to the extent that we have discovered various resources and means that they practice to deal with these extraordinary processes. What we can particularly note amongst us with the invention of Canons and Printing, and upon the discovery of this “new world”, the people of which primarily believe that our ships were made by Magic, our archways by enchantment, and that the Spaniards were devils who came to destroy them with the thunder and lightning of their arquebuses and pistols” (Naudé [NAU 25] originally written in ancient French).

“With the advent of artificial intelligence, the machine is not me, I am not the machine, and the machine may cogently argue thus: neither am I it. We stand together. [The computer] integrates a form of action which not only ensures our own behavior but induces new behaviors” (Berger [BER 94]).

“Theory, is when we know everything and yet nothing works. Practice is when everything functions and nobody knows why. Here, we have brought together theory and practice, and – guess what – nobody knows why!” (Einstein [EIN 07]).

“With a civilization saturated by technology, there is no adventure, there only remains the risk of being behind” (Sloterdijk [SLO 06]).

“We live by ideas, morals, sociologies, philosophies and a psychology which belongs ...

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