- Abbe’s number
- aberrations
- accelerometer
- achromatic doublet
- achromatism
- acutance
- additive or subtractive synthesis
- Agfacolor
- aggregation of criteria
- Airy’s disk
- albedo
- α channel
- angle of view
- Anscombe’s transformation
- anti-aliasing (filter)
- aperture
- coded
- digital
- f-number
- aplanatism
- apochromatic triplet
- autochrome
- autofocus
- Baird, J.L.
- band gap
- battery
- Bayer filtering
- Bernoulli’s distribution
- bilinear interpolation
- birefringence
- black body
- block matching
- bokeh
- bracketing
- bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF)
- Brewster’s angle
- bridge camera
- brightness
- Brownie Kodak
- back side illuminated (BSI)
- bundle adjustment
- calibration
- matrix
- calotype
- camera
- objective lens
- obscura
- candela
- capacity (full-well)
- cardinal elements
- catadioptric assembly
- charge coupled device (CCD)
- correlated double sampling (CDS)
- channel (α)
- characteristic point
- chroma
- chromatic
- arrays
- thresholds
- trivariance
- chrominance
- = International Commission of Illumination (CIE)
- CIELab
- CMOS Imaging Sensor (CIS)
- close-up lens
- complementary metal-oxyde semiconductor (CMOS)
- color model
- cyan, magenta, yellow, key
- encoding
- coding
- Huffman’s
- Lempel-Ziv’s
- video
- coherence
- global phase
- color constancy
- compact camera
- CompactFlash memory
- compressed sensing
- cone cells
- constringence
- contrast telemetry
- conversion factor
- correlated double sampling
- color rendering index (CRI)
- crown
- curve
- H&D
- luminous efficiency
- Daguerre, L.
- daguerreotype
- dark current
- digital camera ...
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