
Achievement motive, 30

The Achieving Society (McClelland, David), 29

Active listening, 60–62

Adaptability, 98

Affiliation motive, 30–33

Alignment and execution

action verbs, 82–94

adaptive organization, 94–100

business-operational dimension, 89–93

communication, 85

competencies, 78

culture, 83–84

decision making, 84–85

delegation, 107–108

Kotter approach, 95–98

landscape, cultural-relationship dimension of, 82–83

leadership style self-assessment, 101

new leader activity, 80

organizational capacity, 77

perspectives of, 81–82

political landscape, 84–87

prioritization, 86–87

problem solving, 86–87

shapes the landscape, 82

stage, 78

talent, 101–109

teacher and coach, 109–111

Analytical thinking, 37, 38, 114, 126

Argyris, Chris, 33

Bacon, Sir ...

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