Advanced measurement approach (AMA), 26–28

AMA. See Advanced measurement approach

AML. See Anti-money-laundering

Anti-money-laundering (AML)


cultural challenge, 90

global challenge, 93–94

management challenge, 90–92

philosophical challenge, 89–90

regulatory and reputational challenge, 92–93

going forward, 95–97

overview of, 81–83

risk assessment, 85–86

risk-based approach, 83–84

risk identification, 84

risk mitigation, 86–87

risk monitoring, 87–88

tentative conclusions, 94–95

Assisted build-out (ABO) approach, 116

Basel Committee for Banking Supervision, 39, 42

Basel II challenges

historical data and statistical information, 15–16

international markets, jurisdictions and models, 18–20

rating philosophies, 16–17

stress testing, ...

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