

abuse/trauma, effects on voice of, 33

accents, changing your native, 31

acoustics, 144

adrenaline, 43–44

affirmation. See water voice

air voice

of Bill Clinton, 139

examples of, 127, 138

inspiration, possibility, and spiritual connection linked to, 71, 72, 128, 130

practices for accessing, 135–137

questions for reflecting on, 137–138

reference guide for, 189 (table)

song choices for, 158

source in the body, 128

too much or too little of, 131–135

uses for, 128–130

allergies, 63

Alzheimer’s disease, 155–156

amplifying voice, 118. See also metal voice

anatomy of vocal production, vocal cords, 47–48, 49

Andrews, Julie, 175–176

Angelou, Maya, 175

Armstrong, Richard, 66

Arrien, Angeles, 154

Four-Fold Way, The, 19

assessing your voice

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