Picking an Element

It’s reasonable to expect that picking one element from a collection would be simpler than picking multiple elements. But there are a few complications. Let’s look at the complexity introduced by the habitual approach and then bring in lambda expressions to solve it.

Let’s create a method that will look for an element that starts with a given letter, and print it.

public​ ​static​ ​void​ pickName(
final​ ​List​<​String​> names, ​final​ ​String​ startingLetter) {
String​ foundName = null;
for​(​String​ name : names) {
if​(name.startsWith(startingLetter)) {
foundName = name;
System​.out.print(​String​.format(​"A name starting with %s: "​, startingLetter)); ...

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