4The Informational Substrate of the Universe and the Organizational Law

4.1. Introduction

We have presented the Universe as an organizational system of generation of space and physical elements (Cardon 2022). The Universe has been created by a very specific soliciting element that has engaged to produce informational elements, continuously producing space and structured elements with spatial and temporal stability. We have thus shown that the Universe is an organized emergence with informational components, whose role is to aggregate into physical elements on an informational substrate that implements a self-control incentive. This generation is done by following an organizational law that operates at the level of the informational substrate. The model we have presented allows us to consider the Universe as the continuous generation of a self-organizing system that creates its space, the matter of its physical elements, based on absolutely continuous specific informational communications.

4.2. The fundamental principles of the informational model of generation of the Universe

Fundamental informational elements produce space, and they are also solicitous of quantum particles. Aggregations of these quantum particles will then produce molecules, following a specific general incentive of constitution of their structuring and organization. We therefore assume that basic elements generate space, which will be realized by the production of neutral elements establishing informational ...

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