
We therefore assume that the informational substratum of the Universe is generated from a generative component that produces innumerable informational components, each one also producing others, according to a general organizational law that enables the generation and expansion of our whole Universe. Each created component either becomes an element with neutrality of activity, and is therefore an element of space, or is an element with permanence of activity and is a basic quantum element. The active elements can generate others according to the organizational law and the context. These transformations are therefore subject to an organizational law that allows the organized generation of the Universe with all its elements. The Universe has been created from a generating component with informational energy and, by continuous generation, has produced informational components that reproduce themselves according to the underlying organizational law, and constitute space and quantum particles. According to the general tendency defined by the organizational law that drives the substratum, these particles will aggregate to form molecules and then physical material elements, in a specific time-frame, which will be the speed of the unfolding of the Universe in generation. The physical Universe is thus an extensive unfolding, which is self-organized by an informational system.

All the generated informational components are elements whose role is to form aggregations, following ...

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