A. Configuring Your Mobile Environment
As a supplement to Chapter 20, this appendix contains configuration information on setting up your Android and iOS devices to work with Flash Professional CS5.5 to create mobile applications. This information was correct at the time of publication of this book. For the latest information on how to configure your hardware devices, please refer to these links on the Adobe documentation website:
• Publishing AIR for Android applications: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flash/cs/using/WSb03e830bd6f770ee317e94381294c702634-8000.html
• Packaging applications for AIR for iOS: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/flash/cs/using/WSb03e830bd6f770ee-29e1e072124c0d552aa-8000.html
Setting Up an Android Device for Testing
Android ...
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