abstract data types, 262263

access-arm mechanism, 203

access methods, 207218. See also index

file organizations and, 207218

sequential, 207, 210, 213, 217

access path plan, 70

accessing data, problems in, 1213

active data dictionaries, 284286. See also passive dictionaries

attributes, 285286

definitions, 284

distinctions, 284

entities, 285286

relationships, 286

uses and users, 286

Advance Auto Parts, 69

aggregated data, 340

aggregation, 248, 255256

alternate key, 110, 34

Analytical Engine, 7

AND operator, 7576

anomalies data, 55

anti-virus software, 301

application characteristics, 218, 220

Application Program Interface (API), 373

application servers, 318

arbitration, 288

associative entity, in M-M binary relationship, 27

asymmetric data encryption, 300

attribute, 20, 45, 108

columns, 108

creating uniqueness with, 20, 28

data normalization and, 157158, 174

data normalization examples, 185189

domain of values, 112, 142, 144

E-R diagrams, 158160

inheritance of, 253254

keys and, 109

physical database design, 97, 199237

unique, 20

attribute names, 72, 85

ATTRIBUTES table, 283

audio clips, 373

availability, database, 374, 375376

AVG operator, 81


B+−tree index, 211214

information from, 212213

Babbage, Charles, 7

backup, 291, 303307

backup copies and journals, 303

importance, 303

backward recovery, 305306

balance sheet, 6

Baptist Memorial Health care, 378379

bartering, 5

base table, 70

basic SELECT format, 70

before and after image log, 303

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