Chapter 3. How to Deploy Your Apps

In Chapter 1 and Chapter 2, you deployed an app on a single server. This is a great way to learn and to get started, and for smaller and simpler apps, a single server may be all you ever need. However, for many production use cases, where you’re building a business that depends on that app, you may run into the following problems with just a single server:

Outages due to hardware issues

If the server has a hardware problem, such as the power supply dying, your users will experience an outage until you replace the server.

Outages due to software issues

If the app crashes due to a software problem, such as a bug in the code, your users will experience an outage until you manually restart it.

Outages due to load

If your app becomes popular enough, the load may exceed what a single server can handle, and your users will experience degraded performance, and potentially outages as well.

Outages ...

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