

Ac analysis, 879880

Acceptor, 2627, 38, 42

Ac-coupled, 215, 834

Ac-dc converter, 89

Ac ground, 144, 251

Ac voltage, converting to dc quantity, 59

Active inductors, 541

Active load, 437, 479487

Active mode, 155, 156

Adjacent channel, 707, 709

Amplification, 35, 7, 910, 122, 123, 128, 144

Amplifiers, 57, 1011, 1317, 160, 170, 172, 374, 437

analysis, 149, 175

cascode, 402410, 474

design, 145, 176, 247

gain, 148, 149, 402

impedance, 171

low-power, 7

performance, 10, 170171

resistance, 674

simple, 123

topology, 1415, 144, 170, 177, 195, 223, 247, 576579

voltage, 10, 170

Amplitude, 9, 370, 381383

limiting, 101102

measure of input strength, 67

peak-to-peak ripple, 9091

Amplitude modulation, 3

Analog, 7, 9, 10, 11

Analog computers, 354, 363

Analog filters, 363, 707, 711

Analog functions, 78, 10, 11

Analog memories. See Capacitors

Analog-to-digital conversion, 7, 9

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 7, 170, 354

Analysis, 876881

Analysis by inspection, 214, 825, 832

Anode, 36, 61, 882

Antenna, 228

Antiparallel, 63, 102

Approximation problem, 743753

Aspect ratio, 281, 287, 423, 820, 831

minimum and large, 284, 461

of the switch, 284

transistor, 466, 775

Attenuation, 275, 708709

Avalanche breakdown, 54

Avalanche effect, 5354


Band-reject, 711712

Bandgap energy, 22, 2425, 55

Bandgap reference circuit, 411

Bandpass filter, 711, 720, 728729

Bandwidth, 3, 11, 379384 ...

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