Chapter 12
INSPIRE: Innovation in Sensor Programming Implementation for Real-time Environment*
The bottleneck in writing code isn’t in the writing of the code, it’s in understanding and conceptualising what needs to be done.
—Shane Legg
Wireless ad hoc sensor networks (WASNs) have drawn much attention in recent years from a diverse set of research communities. Researchers have been concerned mostly with exploring application scenarios, investing new routing and access control protocols, proposing new energy-saving algorithmic techniques, and developing hardware prototypes of sensor nodes.
This is described in the context of programmers and code base. Typically traditional programmers use lots of inefficient techniques, which need more computation. As in the context of event-driven programming it encapsulated as an even-handler. Making any unexpected loops to be present in the actual deployment.
Little attention has been devoted to actually measuring the lifetime of sensor networks. Lifetime is defined as the useful time during which the sensor networks provide live datastreams before sensor faults occur or a percentage of sensors completely cease to function. Since the normal sensor system’s lifetime is in the order of many months to years, especially in the case of ultra-low-duty-cycling applications, it is difficult to deploy and predict the lifetime of applications. In this section we will use a software simulator that allows us to deploy a large sensor network. This will enable ...