Chapter 8

Finding Free Money: Grants and Subsidies


Bullet Understanding where to find grants and subsidies

Bullet Knowing about various private sector support for new businesses

Bullet Examples of grants for specific industries and regions

You have all these great ideas to get your business on the road to glory and the life you want for yourself, but if you’ve read any of the chapters before this one, you know that getting the money can be daunting and may require you to sacrifice too much.

Do you have to win the lottery? What if we told you there were plenty of free ways to get money that aren’t scams but instead supported by the U.S. government and reputable institutions?

We figure that’s why you’re here, and this is a chapter that you may want to read with Post-It flags at the ready to bookmark the pages you need when you need more fuel for the road. We cover grants, subsidies, and government programs that you can take advantage of right now. We also have examples of grants for specific industries and regions that can unleash your bloodhounds.

All About Grants, Subsidies, and Government Programs

The number of grants, subsidies, and government programs can seem like the menu at ...

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