Section 9: Children fbx_settings.cfm
So far, the core file has included fbx_circuits.cfm and the root fbx_settings.cfm. It has also converted attributes.fuseaction into its API counterparts: fusebox.circuit and fusebox.fuseaction. In addition, the core file has set up the path to the target circuit based on its mapping in the circuits structure. The next step is to include the fbx_settings.cfm files, in top-to-bottom order, down to the target circuit, by following the circuits structure mapping. Stripped of all the error handling, section 9 of the core file looks like this:
<cfscript> FB_.fullPath=ListRest(fusebox.Circuits[fusebox.TargetCircuit], "/"); FB_.Corepath=""; fusebox.thisCircuit=fusebox.HomeCircuit; </cfscript> <cfloop list="#FB_.fullpath#" ...
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