Future-Proofing Your Business: Real-Life Strategies to Prepare Your Business for Tomorrow, Today

Book description

After years as a consultant to some of the world's biggest brands and having owned ten companies himself, Troy Hazard has learned crucial lessons on predicting potential business issues before you experience them. Now Troy offers you the skills to prepare your business for a better future. Along with his stories of what works, he also shares his experiences of what doesn't work. With a mix of entertaining real life extracts, client case studies, and personal experiences, Future Proofing Your Business offers potent and refined tools that have been road tested in real-world situations and aren't taught in business school.

  • Learn how to turn obstacles into opportunities

  • Break down business barriers created by bad belief systems

  • Develop powerful leadership skills through stronger personal awareness

  • Know if you're driving your business into the future or into the ground

  • Discover how to make change a consciousness not just an action.

  • Understand your future through a greater understanding of yourself

    All through the author's extensive experience in his own companies and as a consultant for major world brands

Troy's philosophy on how to future-proof your business is anchored in one core belief: "Business happens in cycles. Your ability to manage these cycles successfully lies in how you interpret information from the past and deal with it in the present, to be more resilient through cycles of the future."

Troy Hazard (San Diego CA.; www.troyhazard.com) has founded and nurtured ten businesses over two decades, turned around businesses that were experiencing enormous losses, and consulted to countless successful companies around the world. These business talents earned him international respect, so much so that he was elected by the world's foremost business leaders for the role of Global President of the Entrepreneurs' Organization. For over a decade Troy has been a host and regular guest on many national television and radio shows as a business commentator and a feature writer for magazines. More recently he has become a regular voice of authority on The Biz Television Network, the CBS Talk Radio Network, and the Business Talk Radio Network, and is a regular writer in publications across the country.

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  4. INTRODUCTION: The Universal Lesson of Business
  5. I. Take Responsibility
    1. 1. The Lesson of Learning
    2. 2. Truth and Reality versus Fear and Greed
    3. 3. Make Time to Make It Easier
  6. II. Review You
    1. 4. The Value of Vision
      1. 4.1. Part 1 of the Vision
        1. 4.1.1. My Personal Plan
        2. 4.1.2. In Life
        3. 4.1.3. In Business
      2. 4.2. Part 2 of the Vision
        1. 4.2.1. My Life Plan
      3. 4.3. Part 3 of the Vision
        1. 4.3.1. My Business Plan
      4. 4.4. Part 4 of the Vision
        1. 4.4.1. My People Plan
    2. 5. The Need to Lead
      1. 5.1. Master
      2. 5.2. Mentor
      3. 5.3. Manager
      4. 5.4. Mate
    3. 6. I'm Done!
  7. III. Reality Check
    1. 7. The Information Age
      1. 7.1. All Information Comes at a Price
      2. 7.2. Network
        1. 7.2.1. Rule 1: Network in the Nude
        2. 7.2.2. Rule 2: Not All Networks Work
        3. 7.2.3. Rule 3: Be Pitch Perfect
        4. 7.2.4. Rule 4: Engagement Comes through the Art of Conversation, not Solicitation
      3. 7.3. Join Groups or Organizations
      4. 7.4. Attend Learning Events
      5. 7.5. Set Yourself a Course
      6. 7.6. Write It Down
    2. 8. Strategy that Sticks
      1. 8.1. Executive Overview
      2. 8.2. Business Strategy Overview
      3. 8.3. Operations Strategy
      4. 8.4. Human Relations/People Strategy
      5. 8.5. Financial Strategy
      6. 8.6. Marketing Strategy
    3. 9. The Rewards of Rewards
      1. 9.1. Failure Number One: Rewards for Rewards' Sake
      2. 9.2. Failure Number Two: You Screw Up, You Sort It Out
      3. 9.3. Failure Number Three: Prove You're Not a Screwup
      4. 9.4. Semi-Success Number One: We'll Reward You . . . I Think
      5. 9.5. Success Number One: True Reward Comes When It's Transparent
    4. 10. Show Me the Money
    5. 11. Meaningful Marketing
      1. 11.1. The Brand Marketing Strategy
      2. 11.2. The Area Marketing Strategy
      3. 11.3. The Relationship Marketing Strategy
      4. 11.4. The Local Marketing Strategy
      5. 11.5. The Internet Marketing Strategy
      6. 11.6. The Marketing Training Strategy
  8. IV. Create Rhythm
    1. 12. Routine = Rhythm = Revenue
  9. V. Lead the Revolution
    1. 13. Change or Die!
  10. YOUR PERSONAL WORKBOOK: Real-Life Strategies to Prepare Your Business for Tomorrow, Today
    1. 13.1. Now It's Time for You
    2. 13.2. Chapter 1 The Lesson of Learning
    3. 13.3. Chapter 2 Truth and Reality versus Fear and Greed
      1. 13.3.1. The Truth Test
    4. 13.4. Chapter 3 Make Time to Make It Easier
      1. 13.4.1. Your Brain Dump Journal
    5. 13.5. Chapter 4 The Value of Vision
      1. 13.5.1. Part 1 of the Vision: My Personal Plan
      2. 13.5.2. Part 2 of the Vision: My Life Plan
      3. 13.5.3. Part 3 of the Vision: My Business Plan
      4. 13.5.4. Part 4 of the Vision: My People Plan
    6. 13.6. Chapter 5 The Need to Lead
    7. 13.7. Chapter 6 I'm Done!
    8. 13.8. Chapter 7 The Information Age
    9. 13.9. Chapter 8 Strategy that Sticks
    10. 13.10. Chapter 9 The Rewards of Rewards
      1. 13.10.1. Step 1
      2. 13.10.2. Step 2
      3. 13.10.3. Step 3
    11. 13.11. Chapter 10 Show Me the Money
    12. 13.12. Chapter 11 Meaningful Marketing
    13. 13.13. Chapter 12 Routine = Rhythm = Revenue
    14. 13.14. Chapter 13 Change or Die!

Product information

  • Title: Future-Proofing Your Business: Real-Life Strategies to Prepare Your Business for Tomorrow, Today
  • Author(s): Troy Hazard
  • Release date: December 2010
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9780470638972