Chapter 3. Make Time to Make It Easier
"I've had a few times in my business life when I have simply hit the wall. For me, the key was to get back to a place where I was going with the flow, and simply letting go."
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was December 28, 2006—a moment in life where I knew I had hit that wall. Again! But it was much worse this time. This made any difficulty I had previously encountered in business or in life look like a scene from a Wiggles movie.
I had just been through one of the best but toughest years of my life—personally, professionally, and psychologically. I had been on the road for 246 days, taken over 100 plane flights, circumnavigated the world 5 times, delivered more than 100 conference presentations, and lifted our combined group company profit for the year by 36 percent. I had hosted a national business TV show and served as global president of a leading entrepreneurial organization. And to top things off, along the way, I managed to have two personal relationships in my life crash and burn.
I lived in houses with water views, drove expensive cars, raced cars on weekends, flew first class, stayed all over the world in penthouse suites, and went to long lunches.
Yet, it was all wrong.
Actually, no. It wasn't wrong; I was all wrong. I just did not know it. I mean, think about it. How could one person be doing all that and still say that life is just too hard? After all, didn't I have the things that everyone aspires to have and be? Don't we ...
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