Evolutionary Algorithms
In this chapter, we will introduce the use of genetic algorithms for solving multi-
objective programming (MOP) problems and the concrete contents of genetic algo-
rithms (GAs).
In traditional optimization methods, gradients and derivatives are usually used to
guide the search for an optimal solution. However, when the objective function is
not differentiable or the dimensionality of the search space is quite large, these
techniques usually perform poorly. GAs are now considered alternative meth-
ods to solve such optimization problems. GAs were pioneered by Holland (1975)
and the concept is to mimic the natural evolution of a population by allowing
solutions to reproduce, creating new solutions that then compete for survival in
the next iteration. The tness improves over generations and the best solution is
nally achieved.
Holland (1975) tested the ability of GAs for dealing with different kinds of objec-
tive functions. These experimental results indicate that GAs are very robust and
perform better than traditional optimization methods. In addition, Bosworth et al.
(1972) performed one of the earlier studies of GAs to conclude that GAs are not sen-
sitive to increasing dimensionality and noise. These results were consistent with the
experimental results of De Jong’s study (1975). GAs were widely used later for vari-
ous optimization problems, and many revised GAs have been proposed to improve
their capabilities, such as GENOCOP (Michalewicz, 1992) or increase their applica-
tions, such as genetic programming (Koza, 1992).
Let us consider the following notations for describing the procedures of GAs.
The initial population P(0) is encoded randomly by strings. In each generation t, the
more t elements are selected for the mating pool and then processed by three basic
genetic operators (reproduction, crossover, and mutation) to generate new offspring.
On the basis of the principle of survival of the ttest, the best chromosome of a
candidate solution is obtained. The pseudo code of GAs illustrates the computation
procedures as shown in Figure2.1.
The power of the GA lies in its ability of simultaneous searching a population of
points in parallel instead of a single point. Therefore, a GA can nd the approximate
optimum quickly without falling into a local optimum. In addition GAs do not have
the limitation of differentiability, as do other optimization techniques.
18 Fuzzy Multiple Objective Decision Making
In order to illustrate how GAs can be used to nd optimal decision variables, we rst
consider the following multi-objective programming (MOP) problem.
2.2.1 string representation
To represent the solutions of a MOP problem in GAs, we should encode these solu-
tions as chromosomes. Usually, each element of a chromosome consists of a binary
string (bit) or real-number string. For binary encoding, the precision of a solution
depends on the number of bits used. However, the binary encoding for a function
optimization problem may suffer critical drawbacks because of the existence of
Hamming cliffs (Ludvig et al., 1997). For example, the 1000000 and 0111111 pair
belong to neighboring points in phenotype space but have maximum Hamming dis-
tance in genotype space. Hence, the binary strings do not preserve the locality of
points in the phenotype space.
In contrast, real-number strings code possible solutions as a vector of real num-
bers of the same length as the solution vector, and are more suitable for dealing with
function optimization problems (Eshelman and Schaffer, 1993; Walters and Smith,
1995; Michalewicz, 1996). This is because the topological structure of the genotype
space for real-number encoding is identical to that of the phenotype space. Hence,
it is easy to form effective genetic operators by borrowing useful techniques from
conventional methods (Gen and Cheng, 2000). In addition, compared with binary
encoding, real-number encoding is capable of representing very large domains or
unknown domains (Michalewicz, 1996).
2.2.2 population initialization
Usually, the initial population P(0) is selected at random. Each genotype in the
population can be initialized to present the degree of variance from the uniform
distribution. Note that there is no standard to determine the size P(0) of the initial
population. Bhandari et al. (1996) showed that as the number of iterations extends
FIGURE 2.1 Genetic algorithm procedures.
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