© Sebastiano M. Cossu 2019
S. M. CossuGame Development with GameMaker Studio 2https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5010-5_1

1. Overview

Sebastiano M. Cossu1 
London, UK

“How can I make video games?” This is a question I asked many times to a lot of people (and mostly to Google) when I was a kid. The desire to create games is something that nearly every true gamer happens to have at a certain point. It’s something that is common between all media consumers, from books to movies to video games: we try to create the things that make us feel good. We dedicate a lot of time to video games, and they give us strong emotions and wonderful stories in return. Sometimes they help us in hard times – like if a piece of software can understand us better than ...

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