Time for action – implementing an XML parser for player data

In this exercise, we are going to create a parser to fill data that represents players and their inventory in an RPG game:

struct InventoryItem {
  enum Type { Weapon, Armor, Gem, Book, Other } type;
  QString subType;
  int durability;

struct Player {
  QString name;
  QString password;
  int experience;
  int hitPoints;
  QList<Item> inventory;
  QString location;
  QPoint position;

struct PlayerInfo {
  QList<Player> players;

Save the following document somewhere. We will use it to test whether the parser can read it:

<PlayerInfo> <Player hp="40" exp="23456"> <Name>Gandalf</Name> <Password>mithrandir</Password> <Inventory> <InvItem type="weapon" durability="3"> <SubType>Long sword</SubType> </InvItem> ...

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