Time for action – creating an item for drawing outlined text

The goal of the current exercise is to be able to make the following QML code work:

import QtQuick 2.3
import OutlineTextItem 1.0

Rectangle {
  width: 800; height: 400
  OutlineTextItem {
    anchors.centerIn: parent
    text: "This is outlined text"
    fontFamily: "Arial"
    fontPixelSize: 64
    color: "#33ff0000"
    antialiasing: true
    border {
      color: "blue"
      width: 2
      style: Qt.DotLine

And produce the following result:

Time for action – creating an item for drawing outlined text

Start with an empty Qt project with the core, gui, and quick modules activated. Create a new class and call it OutlineTextItemBorder. Delete the implementation file as we are going to put all ...

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