© Mark Cunningham 2020
M. CunninghamGame Programming with Code Angelhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5305-2_2

2. Forest Bomber part 1: A first level

Mark Cunningham1 
Edinburgh, Scotland

Dusty sunbeams cut eerie shadows across the forest floor. Dawn was breaking.

The radio message was faint at first, but became gradually stronger. 'Mayday…Mayday…' The distant hum of an airplane engine could be heard above the trees.

Captain Matt Johnson knew he was in trouble. The fuel gauge in his B-58 Hustler was well into the red, indicating that he would have no more than two minutes before his plane went down. He glanced out of the jet fighter window. Where could he land? There was nothing but a sea of trees beneath him.

He knew he had only one option ...

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