Chapter 7

Making Your Game a Reality


check Selecting the right type of game

check Figuring out who you want to play your game

check Creating goals for your campaign

check Rewarding your players’ loyalty

You need to create a solid concept for your campaign right at the beginning; otherwise, you may end up creating a game that doesn’t deliver your marketing goals. Your campaign’s chances of success are greatly determined by the planning you put in at the start. I like to encourage my clients to spend more of their time on this part of the gamification marketing campaign than they put into the development of the game itself.

The options I cover in this chapter may appear overwhelming, so I point out the strengths and weaknesses of each. This information will help you determine which options are right for your campaign. I liken this to cooking, where you may have the options of using a multitude of spices that are in your kitchen cabinet. Some may be too overpowering, while others may not be suitable to the dish you’re making. Selecting the right ingredients will help you develop the perfect ...

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