Understanding Reinsertion
Reinsertion is the process of taking chromosomes produced from selection, crossover, and mutation and inserting them back into a population to move on to the next generation. Look at evolve/4 in genetic.ex. It looks like this:
| def evolve(population, problem, generation, opts \\ []) do |
| population = evaluate(population, &problem.fitness_function/1, opts) |
| best = hd(population) |
| IO.write("\rCurrent best: #{best.fitness}\tGeneration: #{generation}") |
| if problem.terminate?(population, generation) do |
| best |
| else |
| {parents, leftover} = select(population, opts) |
| children = crossover(parents, opts) |
| children ++ leftover |
| |> mutation(opts) |
| |> evolve(problem, generation+1, opts) |
| end ... |
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