Dandelin’s construction, 556–557, 570
de Casteljau algorithm, 523
eigendecomposition, 853–854
equivalent classes of, 792
horizontal, 775–789
matrix, 847–857
minimum convex (MCD), 793–794, 796
polar, 854–856
singular value, 857
degenerate plane/cone
intersections, 570, 581–582
configuration illustrations, 581
configurations resulting in, 571
line, 565, 581
point, 565, 581
two lines, 565, 582
Delaunay triangulation, 5, 756–767
3D, 764
constructing, 756
construction by convex hull, 766–767
defined, 756
incremental construction (2D), 757–761
incremental construction (general dimensions), 761–766
triangle property, 756
See also triangulation
delete algorithm, ...

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