© Eric Bergland 2016
Eric BerglandGet it Done On Time!10.1007/978-1-4842-1860-0_77. Using Ambitious Targets to Handle Past Issues
Eric Bergland1
(1)Redwood City, California, USA
Tim sits quietly as Micky the interim CEO spends three hours talking over the Griffin project post-mortem and ripping into the poor results and anyone he felt was responsible. Rushed release, faulty code [crt 20], frustrated and lost customers [crt 27], and below expectation revenues [crt 26] were his key criticisms. The Griffin project manager looked sheet white, ready for a firing squad and his impending demotion.
Micky zeroed in on Gary, the engineering manager. “You need to fix this! We cannot afford these types of mistakes and hope to survive. I want a report next week ...