© Eric Bergland 2016
Eric BerglandGet it Done On Time!10.1007/978-1-4842-1860-0_9

9. Almost

Eric Bergland
Redwood City, California, USA
Randal finds Tim in his new cube just before his meeting with Micky. “So Tim, what is the plan?”
“Same as with Grant.”
“Seems a bit simple, Tim.”
“True. With Grant, I highlighted the meet original commitments issues and the engineering concerns since that is his area of expertise. With Micky, it will be better to highlight the ‘grow the business’ aspects such as customer relationships and meeting revenues issues.”
“That part makes sense. Be sure to highlight their areas of ownership and interest.”
“Possibly this time I’ll start with the cloud versus the issues as well.”
“Eh? You are being TOC cryptic again, Tim.” ...

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