What you'll find below is even more information for you to use as you continue your career development process. I've provided some great resources and web sites — plus additional tips, interview questions, and job search ideas that I've shared with thousands of people through my seminars, articles, and career coaching work. Don't forget to take advantage of all the downloads available to you at
bonus. I'm sure you'll get a lot out of these tools.
When no one's hiring, resources like these become more important than ever, because you need every last bit of market intelligence, competitive research, salary data, and overall business smarts.
Thirty-Seven Strategies, Tips, Ideas, and Reminders for When No One's Hiring
Stay busy, get active, and be productive.
Maintain your momentum.
Hire a career coach, or get some sort of consistent career support.
If you are struggling emotionally, get counseling help.
Read career books and/or attend career seminars.
Leverage technology — web sites and online services/products.
Leverage technology — create career web sites like VisualCV and LinkedIn.
Leverage technology — keep in touch with more people more often through social media websites such as LinkedIn (
), MySpace (
), Twitter (
), and Facebook (
) — and by using blogs, e-newsletters, and so forth.Differentiate yourself — focus your entire message on tangible results.
Differentiate yourself — ...
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