Chapter 4
Seeing Yourself in a Web Development Job
In This Chapter
Understanding why web development matters
Seeing yourself in different kinds of web development jobs
Looking at official statistics and web development job growth
Web development work is one of the fastest-growing and most exciting job categories out there. If you’re not in the field, it’s a good thing to get into — but not necessarily easy. If you already are in the field, it can be a bit tricky to stay in.
Web development is somewhat amorphous — there are lots of different jobs that qualify, and also lots of jobs with some “web” in them, but that don’t really qualify as web development. Why bother to stay in this somewhat messy category? Why not just take interesting jobs as they come up?
The reason is that web development is where the growth is, and where it’s going to be for a long time to come. The overall trend of different kinds of human activity moving to the online world is only going to grow, and grow, and grow. That’s because the Internet is a flexible, powerful invention, much like the printing press — perhaps more so. See the sidebar, “The history of print,” for details.
Understanding How the Web Has ...
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