Chapter 14
Knowing Web Graphics Tools
In This Chapter
Discovering key tools for web graphics
Exploring Photoshop and GIMP
Getting to know Illustrator and CorelDRAW
Becoming familiar with InDesign, QuarkXPress, and others
Web development tools are a vital part of any career in the field. It’s far easier to get work done using tools that you already have experience with. Your expertise in making a given tool “sing” can sometimes get you a job. Your skill with a specific tool can even seem more important than the skill you have in the actual discipline that you’re using the tool for!
A major hurdle to getting a web development job is often whether you have experience, and just how much experience, with one or more tools that are the standard in a given workplace.
This can lead to a major “chicken and egg” problem that’s a version of the age-old work-related quandary: You can’t get a job if you don’t have experience, but you can’t get experience if you don’t have a job.
With tools, you can’t get a job using a tool if you don’t yet have experience using that tool, but you can’t get experience ...
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