In the Wild

A great way to get a feel for working with multiple threads in Clojure is to look at the Compojure library.[30] Compojure helps you route the requests that come into your web application to a suitable response. Here, for example, is a simple placeholder web application for our book store, built with Compojure:

 (ns storefront.handler
  (:require [compojure.core :refer :all]
  [compojure.handler :as handler]))
 (defroutes main-routes
  (GET ​"/"​ [] ​"Welcome to Blotts Books!!"​)
  (GET ​"/book"​ [title author]
  (str ​"Sorry "​ title ​" By "​ author ​" is not available."​)))
 (​def​ app (handler/site main-routes))

The key bit of code here is the call to defroutes, which allows you to associate a route—/book, for example—with ...

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