In the Wild

The Clojure language plugin for the LightTable text editor shows off a great example of using an atom to track some fairly complex data.[31] [32] In this case it’s configuration data:

 ;; Lots of code omitted.
 (​def​ my-settings (atom {:name ​"clj"
  :dir (fs/absolute-path fs/*cwd*)
  :type ​"lein-light-nrepl"
  :commands [:editor.eval.clj
 ;; Many keywords omitted...
 ;; Lots of code omitted.
 (​defn​ settings! [setts]
  (swap! my-settings merge setts))

Here we start with an atom containing a map of program settings along with a function that lets us merge new settings into the map. Anytime we need one of the settings, ...

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