Chapter 1. Your First Intrepid Hops … err, Steps
Welcome! If you’re reading this, then you’ve undoubtedly heard about Spring Roo from a friend or colleague, or perhaps you read about it online or saw a presentation about it. “Well, that’s a presumptuous way to start a book!,” I can imagine you thinking. I would, were I in your position.
But we’ve only just begun. In fact, I suspect that most people that read this book will come to it having been introduced to it from some other resource. Sure, most people aren’t likely to just pick up a book accidentally, you might contend. But I’m willing to bet you picked this book up having heard quite a bit about Spring Roo a priori. This will be a common refrain: “My colleague was raving about Spring Roo and I just want to learn more …”
This is natural. Most people—having heard claims of Roo’s vaunted productivity and rapid turnaround times—will naturally assume they’ve not been told the whole story, that surely there must be a catch, even if what they heard was fantastic. It’s only natural that one might attempt to investigate further, to clarify. One might seek trustworthy resources to light the way. You know O’Reilly—a good publisher, one that’s never led you astray before.
And so, here we are.
You’ve got doubts. “If it sounds too good to be true…” But let me stop you right there! Spring Roo does sound too good to be true, but—as you’ll see in short order—it’s not.
The Pitch
Spring, the Most Productive Way to Build Java Applications
Spring Roo ...
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