Book description
The Photon is an open source, inexpensive, programmable, WiFi-enabled module for building connected projects and prototypes. Powered by an ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller and a Broadcom WiFi chip, the Photon is just as happy plugged into a hobbyist's breadboard as it is into a product rolling off of an assembly line.
While the Photon--and its accompanying cloud platform--is designed as a ready-to-go foundation for product developers and manufacturers, it's great for Maker projects, as you'll see in this book. You'll learn how to get started with the free development tools, deploy your sketches over WiFi, and build electronic projects that take advantage of the Photon's processing power, cloud platform, and input/output pins. What's more, the Photon is backward-compatible with its predecessor, the Spark Core.
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- 1. The Photon
- 2. Quick Start
- 3. Programming the Photon
- 4. Breadboard
- 5. The Internet of Things
- 6. If This Then That
- 7. Robotics
- 8. Machine-to-Machine Communication
- 9. Advanced Photon
- A. Parts
- B. Photon LED Codes
- C. Photon and Core Pinouts
Product information
- Title: Getting Started with the Photon
- Author(s):
- Release date: May 2015
- Publisher(s): Make: Community
- ISBN: 9781457186974
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