Chapter 7. CASE Statements

We are almost ready to learn the truly defining feature of SQL, the JOIN operator. But before we do that, we should spend a short chapter covering a very handy operator called CASE. This command allows us to swap a column value for another value based on one or more conditions.

The CASE Statement

A CASE statement allows us to map one or more conditions to a corresponding value for each condition. You start a CASE statement with the word CASE and conclude it with an END. Between those keywords, you specify each condition with a WHEN [condition] THEN [value], where the [condition] and the corresponding [value] are supplied by you. After specifying the condition–value pairs, you can have a catch-all value to default to if none of the conditions were met, which is specified in the ELSE. For example, we could categorize wind_speed into wind_severity categories (Figure 7-1), where any speed greater than 40 is 'HIGH', 30 to 40 is 'MODERATE', and anything less is 'LOW':

SELECT report_code, year, month, day, wind_speed,

    WHEN wind_speed >= 40 THEN 'HIGH'
    WHEN wind_speed >= 30 AND wind_speed < 40 THEN 'MODERATE'
    ELSE 'LOW'
END as wind_severity

FROM station_data
Categorizing wind severity into HIGH, MODERATE, and LOW
Figure 7-1. Categorizing wind severity into HIGH, MODERATE, and LOW

We can actually omit the AND wind_speed < 40 condition. Here is why: the machine reads a CASE statement from top to bottom, and ...

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