Playing with Terraform graphs

Let's play around with our VPC a bit to better understand how resource dependencies are handled. Instead of adding a subnet, let's destroy the complete infrastructure we have so far and then plan creation from scratch:

    $> terraform destroy
    $> terraform plan
          # ... 
    + aws_subnet.public
        availability_zone:       "<computed>"
        cidr_block:              ""    map_public_ip_on_launch: "false"
        vpc_id:                  "${}"
    # ...

Terraform doesn't know the VPC ID yet, so it doesn't show it to you in the plan. Let's apply the template and observe the order of resource creation:

    $> terraform apply
    aws_vpc.my_vpc: Creating...
      cidr_block:                "" => ""
      default_network_acl_id:    "" => "<computed>"
     default_security_group_id: ...

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