Kubernetes UI

Since Kubernetes v1.3.x, you can no longer authenticate through public IP addresses to the GUI. To get around this, we'll use the kubectl proxy command. First, grab the token from the configuration command, and then we'll use it to launch a local proxy version of the UI:

$ kubectl config view |grep token token: RvoYTIn4rExi1bNRzk56g0PU0srZbzOf$ kubectl proxy --port=8001

Open a browser and enter the following URL: https://localhost/ui/.

You can also type these commands to open a browser window automatically if you're on macOS: $ open https://localhost/ui/ or $ xdg-open https://localhost/ui if you're on Linux.

The certificate is self-signed by default, so you'll need to ignore the warnings in your browser before proceeding. After ...

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