Let's try setting up some CI/CD with other tools, so we can experiment with the newest offerings in the Kubernetes ecosystem. First, let's explore how easy it is to install Jenkins with Helm.
First, open the Minikube dashboard so you can see what happens when we install various things. Do this with the following command:
$ minikube dashboard
Let's create a namespace for the Jenkins environment, as follows:
$ kubectl get namespacesNAME STATUS AGEdefault Active 3dkube-public Active 3dkube-system Active 3d
Now, let's create a template:
$ mkdir -p ~/gsw-k8s-helm && cd ~/gsw-k8s-helm$ cat <<K8s >> namespace-jenkins.yamlapiVersion: v1kind: Namespacemetadata: name: gsw-k8s-jenkinsK8s
Now, you can create the namespace as follows: ...