Controlling the home

Finally, using the following diagram, make the connections and upload the following code:

import timeimport paho.mqtt.client as pahoimport RPi.GPIO as GPIOGPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)GPIO.setup(14,GPIO.OUT)broker=""sub_topic = light/controlclient = paho.Client()def on_message(client, userdata, message):    print('message is : ')    print(str(message.payload))    data = str(message.payload)    if data == "on":        GPIO.output(3,GPIO.HIGH)    elif data == "off":        GPIO.output(3,GPIO.LOW)def on_connect(client,userdata, flag, rc):    print("connection returned" + str(rc))    client.subscribe(sub_topic)client.connect(broker,port)client.on_connect ...

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