31 Victories and Setbacks

DOI: 10.4324/9780429347023-35

Tuesday, May 9 – 7:00 am, An Enlightening Visit from the Big Boss

THREE WEEKS TO go until time’s up for this first phase of the project, Denise thought, as she anxiously waited as Alexander Aspen approached her on the shop floor.

“Hi Denise, I’m really looking forward to this. It’s great to be where the action is,” he said, shaking Denise’s hand. “I’m excited to learn about all these projects and see what your team has been doing for myself, firsthand.”

Denise began by walking him through the value stream. He seemed very interested and asked a lot of questions. It soon became clear that it was not his first time walking the floor of a manufacturing plant. Given that he was a finance ...

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