Chapter 15

Identifying Insurance and License Requirements


check Understanding the basics

check Protecting your operations and intellectual property

check Obtaining your permits

As you make the decision to export your logistics services capabilities to a foreign location, your business plan must consider the associated insurance, permits, and licensing requirements you will face — both in terms of the expense and the time it takes to become fully operational. Where you choose to operate will obviously make a significant difference in coverage and could result in insurance, licensing, and other legal requirements that are vastly different from what is required for your domestic operations.

Identifying the Ground Rules

Insurance, licensing, and permitting requirements vary by country, and even location within a country, and are subject to frequent change. Before starting to support your foreign clients in a new foreign location, it is vital to check with the regulatory agencies in the country to ensure you have the proper licenses for your company, your employees, and perhaps even your subcontractors. You also need to ensure you have both the amount and type of insurance coverage to be ...

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