Chapter 19
Defining Your H&DR Logistics Role
Committing to H&DR support
Determining the level of support
Preparing for and responding to the initial call for help
Perhaps you’re already engaged in some level of humanitarian and disaster relief (H&DR) and want to make a deeper commitment. Or, perhaps you’re just beginning to get involved in H&DR. You’re making this decision at an advantageous time — just when the international humanitarian relief community is looking to tap the resources, skills, management processes, and innovative approaches that reside in the private sector.
In this chapter we will discuss the steps to take in order to obtain full corporate commitment to supporting H&DR efforts as well as the various types of support your company can provide. Finally, we explain the planning, preparation, and infrastructure that have to be in place so that your company can be prepared to successfully respond to a United Nations (UN) call for international H&DR logistics support.
Making the Corporate Commitment
If you’re new to H&DR and trying to decide whether to make a corporate commitment, ask yourself which of the following factors you must address before becoming ...
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