Further Reading
Adams Jr., Charles Francis, and Henry Adams. Chapters of Erie. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1968.
Ahamed, Liaquat. Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World. New York: Penguin Press, 2009.
Atack, Jeremy, and Larry Neal. The Origin and Development of Financial Markets and Institutions: From the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
Balen, Malcolm. The Secret History of the South Sea Bubble: The World's First Great Financial Scandal. Cambridge, London: Fourth Estate, 2002.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve System: Purposes & Functions. Washington D.C., Publication Services, 1984.
Bookstaber, Richard. A Demon of Our Own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
Brooks, John. The GoGo Years: The Drama and Crashing Finale of Wall Street's Bullish 60s. New York: Weybright and Talley, 1973.
Brooks, John. Once in Golconda. New York: Norton, 1969.
Chernow, Ron. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.
Colbert, David. Eyewitness to Wall Street: 400 Years to Dreamers, Schemers, Busts and Booms. New York: Broadway Books, 2001.
Davies, Howard, and David Green. Global Financial Regulation: The Essential Guide. Polity Press, 2008.
Eichengreen, Barry. Global Capital: A History of the International Monetary System. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University ...