© Ashwin Pajankar and Sharvani Chandu 2020
A. Pajankar, S. ChanduGNU Octave by Examplehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6086-9_4

4. Loops, Functions, and Files

Ashwin Pajankar1  and Sharvani Chandu2
Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Pittsburgh, PA, USA

In Chapter 3, you learned about arrays, matrices, and vectors in GNU Octave in detail. You will use these concepts in the remaining chapters to demonstrate the functionality offered by GNU Octave.

In this chapter, you will learn concepts such as if statements, loops, functions, and file operations in detail. The following is the list of the topics you will learn and demonstrate:
  • Decision making with if statements

  • Loops in GNU Octave

  • User-defined functions

  • Global variables

  • Working with files

Decision Making ...

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