Time for action – programming the minmax function

  1. Open your text editor and write the following code
    Code Listing 5.1
    function [minx, maxx] = minmax(x)					#1
      maxx = max(x);							#3
      minx = min(x);							#4
    endfunction								#6
  2. Save the code as minmax.m under the current directory or anywhere in the Octave search path.
  3. To execute the function type the following commands at the Octave command prompt:
    octave:1> a = rand(1, 5)
    a =
      0.573584    0.588720    0.112184    0.052960    0.555401
    octave:2> [mina, maxa] = minmax(a)
    mina = 0.052960
    maxa = 0.588720

    as we would expect.

What just happened?

From line 1 in Code Listing 5.1, we see that the function name is minmax, the function takes the input x, and returns two outputs minx and maxx . It should be clear what code lines 3 and ...

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