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“It’s our imaginations, stupid!”
Chapter 6
Where Do We Go from Here?
or global brand warriors, the degree to which we can harness and channel our
imaginations often can mean the difference between great success and mediocrity
in a career. Go Logo! argues, in the most holistic sense, that brands are good for
societies and good for businesses—and that creative brand warriors are good
for both.
In this book, I have tried to establish the im-
portance of commercial persuasion brands
because of their ability to touch the cogni-
tive unconscious of all who want life’s little
pleasures. The challenge for societal persua-
sion brand warriors is to creatively respond
to people’s very real emotional needs for
“life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” a
much tougher assignment. These challenges
are usually compounded by the innate
tendency for procrastination and arguments
by many charitable or public service groups.
Satisfaction in volunteer work is too often a
case of biting your lip and letting virtue be
its own reward.
The last questions posed are the real puz-
zlers: Is the pathway to the future of brand-
ing itself clear? What will be the determining
factors? What level of business influence
will creative brand warriors be capable of
achieving? Will there be a significant conver-
gence of commercial persuasion and societal
persuasion branding objectives over the next
twenty-five years? In fifty more years, will
Captain Kirk ask (I just know he will still
be around), “Is there still branding life on
planet earth?” And Spock’s answer will un-
doubtedly be “Yes, but not as we know it.”
Certainly societal persuasion branding will
be around in myriad formats, continuing its
role as a potent influencer on global societ-
ies. As for predicting the future course of
commercial persuasion branding with any
exactitude, I pass. Our present age is like
no other in history, specifically because of
computing power, the warp-like speed of
deconstruction in the new mediums and in
multicultural branding.
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But if you pay attention to history, look
for the invisible parts of a logo, recognize
the power of brands beyond their product
features, empathize with peoples’ longing
and belonging needs, find the transforming
magic, and remember that our flat world is
now global, you are half way to being an ef-
fective creative brand warrior. If, in addition,
you are incorrigibly curious, an entrepre-
neur in spirit (if not in fact), and a born per-
suader, with a champion’s heart, a natural
right brain tendency, and a creativity that is
both disciplined and brilliant, there will be
no stopping you.
Identity Is Equity, if:
the look of the brand can outshine •
the competition
the brand can be the voice of the •
the brand can invent the future, •
and if . . .
the brand can • change the rules.
So, go for it: Go Logo!
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