Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect All-in-One Exam Guide

Book description

Everything you need to succeed on the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam in one accessible study guide

Take the challenging Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam with confidence using the comprehensive information contained in this invaluable self-study guide. The book provides a thorough overview of cloud architecture and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and shows you how to pass the test. Beyond exam preparation, the guide also serves as a valuable on-the-job reference.

Written by a recognized expert in the field, Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect All-In-One Exam Guideis based on proven pedagogy and features special elements that teach and reinforce practical skills. The book contains accurate practice questions and in-depth explanations. You will discover how to design, develop, and manage robust, secure, scalable, and highly available solutions to drive business objectives.

  • Offers 100% coverage of every objective for the Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect exam
  • Online content includes 100 additional practice questions in the TotalTester customizable exam engine
  • Written by a Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. About the Author
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents at a Glance
  7. Contents
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Introduction
  10. Chapter 1 Introduction to the Professional Cloud Architect Certification
    1. Reasons to Take the Professional Cloud Architect Exam
    2. Prerequisite Knowledge
    3. Case Studies
      1. Mountkirk Games
      2. Dress4Win
      3. TerramEarth
    4. General Tips on Taking Technical Certification Exams
    5. How to Use the Supplementary Resources
    6. Chapter Review
      1. Questions
      2. Answers
  11. Chapter 2 Overview of Cloud Computing and Google Cloud
    1. Overview of Cloud Computing
    2. Google Cloud vs. Other Clouds
      1. Security First
      2. Open Cloud
      3. Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
      4. Global Data Centers and Network
      5. Principles of System Design
    3. A 10,000-Foot Overview of GCP
      1. Compute Solutions
      2. Storage Solutions
      3. Database Solutions
      4. Data Analytics
      5. Networking Solutions
      6. Operations Solutions
      7. Developer Tools
      8. Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud Solutions
      9. Migration Solutions
      10. Security and Identity Solutions
    4. Interacting with the GCP
      1. Google Cloud Console
      2. Command-Line Interface
      3. Exercise 2-1: CLI Example
      4. Client Libraries
    5. Business and Technical Context for the Google Cloud Architect
      1. Assessing Business Requirements
      2. Assessing Technical Requirements
    6. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  12. Chapter 3 Cloud Identity
    1. Setting Up a Cloud Identity and Admin Account
    2. Security Principles in the Cloud
      1. The AAA Security Model
      2. Least Privilege and Separation of Duties
    3. Cloud Identity Overview
      1. Managing Users in Cloud Identity
    4. How Users Authenticate to GCP
      1. 2-Step Verification
    5. Security Auditing
    6. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  13. Chapter 4 Resource Management
    1. Cloud Resource Manager Overview
    2. Organization Hierarchy
      1. Organization, Folders, Projects, and Resources
    3. Organization Policies
    4. Best Practices
      1. Exercise 4-1: Creating a Project
    5. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  14. Chapter 5 Cloud Identity and Access Management
    1. Cloud IAM Overview
    2. Members, Roles, and Policies
      1. Google Accounts
      2. Groups
      3. Service Accounts
      4. IAM Roles
      5. IAM Policies
    3. IAM Conditions
    4. Accounting and Technical Compliance
    5. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  15. Chapter 6 Networking
    1. Networking Deep Dive
      1. Google’s Global Network
      2. Network Tiers
      3. Virtual Private Cloud, Subnets, Regions, and Zones
      4. Subnet Ranges and IP Addressing
      5. Routes and Firewall Rules
      6. Private Access
      7. Cross-Project Communication
      8. Cloud DNS
    2. Connectivity to Your Cloud
      1. Cloud Router
      2. Cloud VPN
      3. Cloud Interconnect
    3. Cloud Load Balancing
      1. Overview
      2. Cloud CDN
    4. Network Security
      1. Network Security Principles
      2. Google Front End
      3. Firewalls
      4. Cloud Armor
      5. Cloud NAT
      6. VPC Service Controls
      7. Identity-Aware Proxy
      8. Network Logging
    5. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  16. Chapter 7 Compute and Containers
    1. Google Compute Engine
      1. Virtual Machine Instances
      2. Images
      3. Instance Templates and Instance Groups
      4. Storage Options
      5. OS Login
    2. Google App Engine
      1. App Engine Flex vs. App Engine Standard
    3. Google Kubernetes Engine
      1. Cluster Architecture
      2. Configuration
      3. Node Upgrades
    4. Cloud Functions
    5. Cloud Run
    6. API Management
      1. Apigee
      2. Cloud Endpoints
      3. Secure Your APIs
    7. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  17. Chapter 8 Storage, Databases, and Data Analytics
    1. Storage
      1. Google Cloud Storage
      2. Cloud Filestore
      3. Persistent Disk
      4. Local SSD
    2. Databases
      1. Cloud SQL
      2. Cloud Spanner
      3. Cloud Bigtable
      4. Cloud Firestore
      5. Cloud Memorystore
    3. Data Analytics
      1. BigQuery
      2. Cloud Dataproc
      3. Cloud Dataflow
      4. Cloud Pub/Sub
    4. Data Security
      1. Data Classification
      2. Cloud DLP
      3. Encryption
    5. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  18. Chapter 9 DevOps
    1. The DevOps Philosophy
    2. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
      1. Continuous Integration
      2. Continuous Deployment
    3. Infrastructure as Code
    4. Deployment Strategies
      1. Blue-Green Deployment
      2. Rolling Deployment
      3. Canary Deployment
      4. A/B Deployment
    5. Deployment Tools
      1. Google Cloud Deployment Manager
      2. Cloud Build
      3. Cloud Source Repositories
      4. Container Registry
    6. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  19. Chapter 10 Cloud Operations
    1. Cloud Logging
      1. Log Types
    2. Cloud Trace, Cloud Profiler, and Cloud Debugger
    3. Cloud Monitoring
      1. Workspaces
      2. Monitoring Agent
      3. Uptime Checks
      4. Metrics and Alerts
      5. Dashboards
    4. The Importance of Resilience
    5. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  20. Chapter 11 Security
    1. Security Fundamentals
      1. CIA Triad
      2. Control Categories
      3. Control Functions
      4. Asset × Threat × Vulnerability = Risk
      5. Security Modernization
      6. Compliance
    2. Infrastructure Security Highlights
      1. Identity Security
      2. Resource Management Security
      3. IAM Security
      4. Network Security
      5. Application Layer Security
      6. Data Security
      7. DevOps Security
    3. Security Operations
      1. Cloud Asset Inventory
      2. Security Command Center
    4. Chapter Review
      1. Additional References
      2. Questions
      3. Answers
  21. Chapter 12 Billing, Migration, and Support
    1. Billing Fundamentals
      1. Cost Control
      2. Migration Planning
        1. Resource Quotas vs. Capacity
        2. Transferring Applications and Data
        3. Training and Enablement
      3. Google Cloud Support
      4. Chapter Review
        1. Questions
        2. Answers
      5. Closing Thoughts
  22. Appendix A Objective Map
  23. Appendix B About the Online Content
    1. System Requirements
    2. Your Total Seminars Training Hub Account
      1. Privacy Notice
    3. Single User License Terms and Conditions
    4. TotalTester Online
    5. Technical Support
  24. Glossary
  25. Index

Product information

  • Title: Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect All-in-One Exam Guide
  • Author(s): Iman Ghanizada
  • Release date: March 2021
  • Publisher(s): McGraw-Hill
  • ISBN: 9781264257287