How to do it...

To use the standard (Cloud Pub/Sub to Cloud Storage text) Dataflow template, we'll break the setup into four steps:

  1. Creation of the Pub/Sub topic and subscription
  2. Creating the Dataflow pipeline
  3. Sending test temperature data to the Pub/Sub topic
  4. Viewing the processed data and the stored data on Google Storage

Let's look into these steps in detail:

  1. First, let's create a Pub/Sub topic to receive the IoT sensor's temperate data:
$ gcloud pubsub topics create tempSensorTopic
  1. Next, we'll create a subscription that can read data off the topic:
$ gcloud pubsub subscriptions create readTempSubscptn --topic tempSensorTopic
  1. On the GCP Console, you can view the created Pub/Sub topic and subscription:
  1. The next stage is the creation ...

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